I had the pleasure to host the first-ever Spring One Tour in Tel Aviv this year, along with my colleague Kobi Shamama.
The event had a host of distinguished guests from 7 countries.
Although over 600 registered, we had to limit the attendees to only 250 due to the venue's capacity. Luckily, we had everything recorded for you to enjoy!
Here is the playlist with all talks:
Spring Framework founder and project lead Juergen Hoeller presented Spring Framework 6.0, which was released just in time for the event:
DaShaun Carter presented Spring Boot 3:
Cora Iberkleid presented Spring Cloud Gateway:
Spring Boot and Spring Cloud founder David Syer discussed how to run untrusted code using WebAssembley:
Yours truly presented a talk on production considerations for Spring on Kubernetes:
Oleg Šelajev and Cora Iberkleid gave an introduction to TestContainers:
Director of Dev and Infrastructure at Israel's Social Security, Yuri Fux, presented his team's modernization journey to Spring Boot and Spring Cloud. This was the only session that is in Hebrew:
Olga Maciaszek-Sharma discussed declarative HTTP clients in Spring:
Lastly, I presented along with Scott Rosenberg an end-to-end demo using Spring Boot and Tanzu Application Platform:
Overall, this was truly a fun event to organize and attend. The venue at the Peres center of innovation was beautiful, and the speakers were the best there is.
We're planning to have a Spring One Tour in 2023 as well. Stay tuned!